Cloud Solution

Cloud Business Solutions

A well Defined Cloud Solution will enhance the following Benefits

Enhanced flexibility

Using cloud-based services means that you have much greater flexibility to deploy and to use applications and services anytime, anywhere. Users can work from anywhere they can get online – at a remote location, at home, in a hotel, airport, railway station, on a train – with full access to applications and data. Groups of workers can quickly be deployed at any location at short notice.

Expandability and scalability

It is much easier for businesses to extend availability of services to more users as they grow and to expand IT resources. If you need more computing power or storage capacity, you can simply add it at any time. For larger organisations in particular, the cloud enables rapid expansion or contraction of resources at very short notice, so it is an ideal platform for organisations that carry out project or contract work and may need to rapidly expand their workforce at any time.

Faster, easier and more cost-effective deployment

When a new application or service is required, there is no need to wait for a new server to be deployed or a virtual machine to be initialised and the application provisioned and deployed. New services can simply be switched on and used. This is much faster and more cost-effective. It means that IT can respond faster to the needs of the organisation and its users.

Reduced capital cost

As there is no need to spend money on hardware and software licenses, the capital outlay required to support IT needs is dramatically reduced. Instead of buying a new server or having to add memory or storage to support higher capacity requirements, you can simply extend your contract with the service provider. All costs are transferred to operational budgets instead, allowing for improved cost management.

Management of IT is easier and the cost of running and monitoring and maintaining IT systems and services is dramatically reduced. Small businesses no longer need to worry about making sure that IT systems, software licenses, security and other services are up to date and running smoothly. Large organisations may be able to reduce their IT administrative headcount or more likely, divert resources onto more strategic projects.

Improved cost management

As cloud computing is paid for on a subscription or pay-per-use model, all costs are transferred to operational budgets; they are known and can be accounted for in advance. This makes it easier for organisations to manage and control their costs.

Enhanced security

Security of systems and data in the cloud is actually better than it is for most on-premises deployments. Security has to be of the highest standards for cloud services and as there is no need to manage security of cloud-based systems in –house, there is no need to manage it and keep it up-to-date in-house. There is less chance of errors or oversights being made.

Backup and business contingency

Cloud services also need to have built-in redundancy and be 100 percent reliable. Typically, they are mirrored and constantly backed-up. As a consequence, there is almost no circumstance under which you can lose a significant amount of data. The cloud service also provided you with an instant business contingency solution, as you can access your services and data from any location over the web.

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